From Princess to QUEEEN!!!!

My heart leaps up!

When money is tight, like it is now because I was laid off from my job last June, I sometimes get to whining. And sometimes the refrain is, “I waaaant to beeee a princessss!!!” As in, living happily ever after with no problems, discomforts, obstacles, demands, responsibilities or struggles. Ever.

Mind you, my adult responsible cerebral cortex totally gets it that a) this sort of perfect life is not even remotely possible and b) such a life wouldn’t be rewarding, satisfying, stimulating, growth-inducing, etc.

But my take-care-of-me-now!!!! little inner child, well, she craves rescue and perfect peace. Enter my favorite new meditation guide (whose name and whose book I cannot remember or find; I’ll post in an update; it is so typical of my gremlins to steal this info just when I want it but I decided, full speed ahead! UPDATE: The book is Awake Mind, Open Heart by Cynthia Kneen ). Her prescription: when you sit to meditate, assume the physical posture of a monarch, because you are the queen of your own life! Don’t you love it? And of course you must also assume the mental, emotional and spiritual posture of a king or queen—because you have within you the sun, the moon, the stars. You have all creation, your beautiful, wonderful goodness, all right there. (UPDATE: Kneen says, “Your approach is that you are a dignified person. You are sane, regal, and worthwhile as you are, and it is fully natural for you just to sit and be with an open heart…You are claiming your authority…You are in command of your life. This doesn’t mean you are being fierce or stoic, or trying very hard…You are just…being yourself. You are simply making a statement of strength.”

So when I sit—and when I move through all the tasks of my day, no matter how grand or mundane—I do so as the monarch of my own life.

Crown me, Queen Gay! Long live the queen! Joy, peace and prosperity to all you queens and kings, too!!!!!

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