16 Ways to Feel Good NOW!

Today is all we have. Let’s make it a good one!

Self care is not selfish. It’s impossible to be who we’re supposed to be in the world if we aren’t who we’re supposed to be to ourselves. When I first learned this lesson, I had to make a list of possible ways of self-nurture because in the crunch, everything went right out of my head. I’ve had so many conversations this week where we ended up talking about baseline self-care that I decided to share my list. When I’m feeling lower than whale poop, like nobody likes me, everybody hates me and I might as well eat worms, I know I need a dose of self-mothering. Some nice things to do:

• Slather on sweet-scented lotions or oils

• Light a scented candle

• Go to the library, wander through the stacks and take out whatever speaks you—a whole pile of novels, memoirs, travelogues. Don’t forget the section of movies, music and books on tape

• Pick up new do-dads for your hair, a new hairbrush, a different conditioner while you’re food shopping

• Send thank you notes to people who’ve done something nice for you. Send one to yourself in the mail

• Pet your dog or cat

• Get your hair cut just the way you like it

• Schedule a massage. Too pricey? Start saving up. Make a jar and put a few bucks in whenever you can

• Drink a cup of hot herbal tea

• Go through your photo albums

• Call a trusted, nurturing, supportive friend

• Go to meditationoasis.com and listen to a guided imagery.

• Have a nice nap

• Take a walk in a nearby nature site—or around your back yard

• Tend your houseplants

• Color, in a coloring book or on a blank piece of paper. Don’t forget to breathe in that eau de Crayola!